Thanks to everyone who submitted abstracts
Draft programme available here
Prior to submitting abstracts and registering for the conference, attendees must create an account. To do this, go to "Create an Account" in the "My Space" menu.
Once your account is created, the menu links for "registration" and "submission" will become available. Then, follow the instructions on the corresponding pages to register for the conference and submit your presentation abstract online.
Attendees are invited to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation on the following MICRO 2016 topics:
* From macro- to microplastics: Weathering and fragmentation processes
* From source to sink: Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in fresh water bodies, coastal zones and the open ocean
* Impacts of microplastics on marine life
* Microplastics as vectors of biological and chemical contaminants
* Socioeconomic impacts of microplastics
* Citizen science, outreach, education and communication
* Solutions and next steps
Abstracts should be submitted in English and should be no more than 300 words long with 1 figure.
Please state your preference for an oral or poster presentation. The scientific committee reserves the right to ask that an oral presentation be changed to a poster or vice versa, to help ensure balanced thematic sessions.
After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
All abstracts, both oral and poster, will be published in the book of abstracts.
If you would like to propose a side event, please directly contact the organizers: micro2016<AT>
Instructions for oral presentations:
Supporting material for all oral presentations must be given to the technical staff by 5 pm the day before the presentation, please use pdf format.
Important note for Oral Presentations:
If you are in Session V on May 25th, please plan for a 5-7 minute presentation.
All other presenters, please keep your presentations between 7-10 minutes.
Instructions for posters:
A permanent poster exhibition will be displayed at the Cabildo de Lanzarote. Poster boards will be available for displaying your poster. The size of the poster should not exceed 84.1 cm wide/118.9 cm high (standard A0 size), so as to be compatible with the panels of the poster stands. If you have a particular request, please contact the organizers.
No Conference Registration Fee.
Under the patronage of UNESCO