MICRO 2016 Programme


May 25th 2016

8h30-9h30        Registration

9h30-10h          Welcome and Official Opening

10h-11h20        Session I. Chair persons: Arnaud Huvet and Mateo Cordier.

Coffee break 20’

11h40’-13h        Session II. Chair persons: Miguel Clüsener-Godt and Jesús Gago.


13h-15h Lunch break, please see the map for options or ask the Organizing Team


15h-16h10        Session III. Chair persons: May Gomez and Alicia Herrera.

Coffee break 20’

16h30-17h30    Session IV. Chair persons: Maria Cristina Fossi and Ana Liria.

17h30-19h        Posters and side event “Education”

19h-20h30        Session V. Chair persons: Sabine Pahl and Jean-Paul Vanderlinden.
Discussion and conclusions

21h Social event: Theater performance "Tortuga y el mar" at the Teatro Insular, Rambla Medular 65, Arrecife


May 26th 2016

9h-10h30         Session VI. Chair persons: Lars Gutow and Fabienne Lagarde.

Coffee break 30’

11h-13h            Session VII. Chair persons: Gunnar Gerdts and Johan Robbens.


13h-15h Lunch break, please see the map for options or ask the Organizing Team


15h-16h10        Session VIII. Chair persons: Melanie Bergmann and Juan Baztan.

Coffee break 20’

16h30-17h30    Session IX. Chair persons: Elisabetta Broglio and Ted Packard.

17h30-19h        Posters

19h-20h30        Public keynote: “Dialogue between natural and social sciences”

   By  François Galgani and Jean-Paul Vanderlinden


20h30 Informal dinner for registered participants


May 27th 2016

9h-10h30         Session X. Chair persons: Céline Surette and Quino Miguelez.

Coffee break 30’

11h-13h            Session XI. Chair persons: Andrej Kržan and Bethany Jorgensen.


13h-15h Lunch break, please see the map for options or ask the Organizing Team


15h-16h10        Session XII. Chair persons: Andy Booth and Raimonds Ernsteins.

Coffee break 20’

16h30-17h30    Session XIII. Chair persons: Amy Lusher and Omer Chouinard.

17h30-19h        Posters and side event “Sharing Responsibilities”

19h Conclusions: Lanzarote’s Declaration



MICRO 2016 Detailed Programme

May 25th 2016

8h30-9h30      Registration

9h30-10h        Welcome and Official Opening


10h-11h20      Session I - Chair persons: Arnaud Huvet and Mateo Cordier.

Microplastics as Vectors of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) via Chemical Adsorption and Desorption.
C. Blair Crawford et al.


Plastic and restricted heavy metals. A. van Oyen et al.


Citizen Research for Ocean Conservation. M. Boertien et al.


All is not lost: Fragmentation of Plastic at Sea. A. Koelmans et al.


Microplastics in Sewage Sludge: Effects of Treatment. A-M. Mahon.


Sources and fate of microplastics in Swiss surface waters. F. Faure et al.


Microplastics in a UK sewage treatment plant. T. Maes et al.

Coffee break 20’

11h40-13h        Session II - Chair persons: Miguel Clüsener-Godt and Jesús Gago.


Fates of plastic pollution in a major urban river: persistence and bacterial colonisation of oil-based plastics and bioplastics in the Yarra River, Melbourne, Australia. T. Gundry et al.


Presence and abundance of microplastics in sediments of tributaries of the River Thames, UK. A. Horton et al.


Microplastics in different compartments of the urban water cycle: from the sources to the rivers. R. Dris et al.


Validation of a density separation technique for the recovery of microplastics and its use on marine & freshwater sediments. B. Quinn et al.


The North Pacific accumulation zone: ocean plastic concentrations and impacts. J. Reisser et al.


Microplastics in Singapore's coastal mangrove ecosystems. N-H-M. Nor et al.


A quantitative analysis of microplastic pollution along the south-eastern coastline of South Africa. H. Nel et al.


Modelling the global distribution and risk of small floating plastic debris. E. van Sebille et al.

13h-15h Lunch break, please see the map for options or ask the Organizing Team

15h-16h10        Session III - Chair persons: May Gomez and Alicia Herrera.


Plastic pollutants within the marine environment of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. T. Naidoo et al.


Reading between the grains – Microplastics in intertidal beach sediments of a World Heritage Area: Cleveland Bay (QLD), Australia. R. Schoeneich-Argent et al.


Patterns of plastic pollution in offshore, nearshore and estuarine waters of Perth, Western Australia. S. Hajbane et al.


Microplastic Distribution and Composition in the Israeli Mediterranean Coastal Waters. N. van der Hal et al.


Occurrence of microplastics in the South Eastern Black Sea. U. Aytan et al.


Microplastics migrations in sea coastal zone: Baltic amber as an example. I. Chubarenko.


Simultaneous trace analysis of nine common plastics in environmental samples via pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS). M. Fischer et al.

Coffee break 20’

16h30-17h30    Session IV - Chair persons: Maria Cristina Fossi and Ana Liria.


Presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in food, with particular focus on seafood. A. Maggiore et al.


The human plastic print in Mediterranean deep submarine canyons. M. Canals et al.


State of knowledge on human health implications on consumption of aquatic organisms containing microplastics. E. Garrido Gamarro et al.

Uptake and Ecotoxicity of microplastic particles (polystyrene) by Daphnia magna.
R. Aljaibachi et al.


Effects of PVC and Nylon microplastics on survival and reproduction of the small terrestrial earthworm Enchytreus crypticus. A. Walton.

Microplastics: who is at risk?
R. Saborowski et al.

Engagement options for the implementation of the European Atlantic Plan. F. Cardona.

17h30-19h        Posters and side event “Education”

19h-20h30        Session V - Chair persons: Sabine Pahl and Jean-Paul Vanderlinden.

Understanding Microplastic Distribution: A Global Citizen Monitoring Effort.
A. Barrows.

Monitoring of plastic pollution in the North Sea.
E. Leemans.


Voluntary beach cleanups at Famara Beach, Lanzarote. N. Ruckstuhl et al.

The Wider Benefits of Cleaning Up Marine Plastic: Two Psychological Studies Examining the Direct Impacts of Beach Cleans and Fishing for Litter on the Volunteers.
K. Wyles et al.


Agüita con el Plástico: Society as part of the solution of plastic pollution. J-C Jiménez et al.

No Plastic campaign makes a difference in Island of Principe Biosphere Reserve.
M. Clüsener-Godt et al.

Logistics of Coastline Plastic Cleanup and Recycling: A survey and framework.
N. Brahimi et al.

Tackling microplastics on land: citizen observatories of anthropogenic litter dynamics within the MSCA POSEIDOMM project.
L. Galgani et al.

Environmental Science Education - Methodologies to promote Ocean Literacy.
F. Silva et al.
Discussion and conclusions


21h Social event:Theater performance "Tortuga y el mar" at the Teatro Insular, Rambla Medular 65, Arrecife


May 26th 2016


9h-10h30        Session VI - Chair persons: Lars Gutow and Fabienne Lagarde.


Microplastics, convergence areas and fin whales in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. M-C. Fossi et al.


Microplastics in marine meso-herbivores. L. Gutow et al.


Investigating the Presence and Effects of Microplastics in Sea Turtles. E. Duncan et al.


Microplastics presence on sea turtles. P. Ostiategui-Francia et al.


Factors determining the composition of plastics from the South Pacific Ocean - Are seabirds playing a selective role? V. Hidalgo-Ruz et al.


Micro- and macro-plastics associated with marine mammals stranded in Ireland: Recent findings and a review of historical knowledge. A. Lusher et al.


Primary (ingestion) and secondary (inhalation) uptake of microplastic in the crab Carcinus maenas, and its biological effects. A. Watts et al.


Plastic in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from the Norwegian coast. D. Pettersen Eidsvoll et al.


Extraction and characterization of microplastics in marine organisms sampled at Giglio Island after the removal of the Costa Concordia wreck. C. Giacomo Avio et al.

Coffee break 30’

11h-13h        Session VII - Chair persons: Gunnar Gerdts and Johan Robbens.


Marine litter on British beaches: an assessment using citizen-science data. S. Nelms.


Floating plastic marine debris in the Balearic Islands: Ibiza case study. M. Compa et al.


Enzymes – essential catalysts in biodegradation of plastics. G. Guebitz et al.


Studies of microplastics from the Irish marine environment. A. Lusher.


Deposition of microplastics in marine sediments from the Irish continental shelf. J. Martin et al.


Where go the plastics? And whence do they come?

From diagnosis to participatory community-based observatory network J. Baztan et al.


Distribution and composition of microplastics in Scotland's seas. M. Russell et al.


Marine litter accumulation in the Azorean Archipelago: Azorlit preliminary data. J. Frias et al.


Microplastics in the Adriatic - Results from the DeFishGear project. A. Palatinus et al.


Floating microplastics in Mediterranean surface waters. G. Suaria et al.


Implementation of the Spanish Monitoring Program of Microplastics on Beaches within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. First phase. J. Buceta et al.


Operational forecasting as a tool for managing pollutant dispersion and recovery. A. Sánchez-Arcilla et al.

13h-15h Lunch break, please see the map for options or ask the Organizing Team

15h-16h10        Session VIII - Chair persons: Melanie Bergmann and Juan Baztan.


What do we know about the ecological impacts of microplastic debris? C. Rochman et al.


Qualitative and quantitative investigations of microplastics in pelagic and demersal fish species of North and Baltic Seas using pyrolysis-GCMS. B. Scholz-Böttcher et al.


Microplastics extraction method from small fishes,on the road to the standard monitoring approach. S. Budimir et al.


Microplastic effects in Mullus surmuletus: Ingestion and induction of detoxification systems. C. Alomar et al.


VIIIe1Assessment of microplastics present in mussels collected from the Scottish coast. A. I Catarino et al.; VIIIe2 Bioavailability of co-contaminants sorbed to microplastics in the blue mussel Mytilus edulist. A. I. Catarino et al.


Exploring the effects of microplastics on the hepatopancreas transcriptome of Mytilus galloprovincialis. M. Milan et al.


Plastic bottom: Microplastics in the benthic zone. R. Coppock et al.

Coffee break 20’

16h30-17h30    Session IX - Chair persons: Elisabetta Broglio and Ted Packard.


The Characterisation, Quantity and Sorptive Properties of Microplastics from Cosmetics. I. Napper et al.


Beach sweep initiatives on the Acadian Coastline in Atlantic Canada. O. Chouinard et al.


A social-ecological approach to the problem of floating plastics in the Mediterranean Sea. L. Ruiz Orejon et al.


News splash? A preliminary review of microplastics in the news. B. Jorgensen et al.


Informing policy makers about state of knowledge and gaps on microplastics in the marine environment. T. Bahri.


Microplastics in cosmetics: Exploring perceptions of environmentalists, beauticians and students. S. Pahl et al.

17h30-19h        Posters

19h-20h30    Public Keynote: “Dialogue between natural and social sciences”

 By  François Galgani and Jean-Paul Vanderlinden.


The Poster Awards will be announced at 20h27...

20h30 Informal dinner for registered participants

May 27th 2016

9h-10h30        Session X - Chair persons: Céline Surette and Quino Miguelez.


Plastics and Zooplankton: What do we know? P. Lindeque et al.


Microtrophic Project. A. Herrera et al.


Biofouling of microplastics promotes their ingestion by marine zooplankton: implications for food web magnification and experimental design. R. Vroom et al.


Source to sink: Microplastics in benthic fauna in a gradient from discharge points to deep basins in an urban model fjord. M. Haave et al.


Uptake and toxicity of methylmethacrylate-based nanoplastic particles in aquatic organisms. A. Booth et al.


On the potential role of phytoplankton aggregates in microplastic sedimentation. M. Long et al.


Hitchhiking microorganisms on microplastics in the Baltic Sea. S. Oberbeckmann et al.


Microplastic Prey? – An assay to investigate microplastic uptake by heterotrophic nanoflagellates. A. Madita Wieczorek et al.


Microplastics in seafood: identifying a protocol for their extraction and characterization. G. Duflos

Coffee break 30’

11h-13h        Session XI - Chair persons: Andrej Kržan and Bethany Jorgensen.


Microplastics in Arctic sea ice: a prime temporary sink for (micro-)plastics and a medium of transport. M. Bergmann et al.


Modelling the effect of biofouling on the vertical distribution of microplastic in the oceans. M. Kooi et al.


Microplastics in the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France): composition, abundance and spatial distribution. L. Frère et al.


Modelling the movement, fate and impact of microplastic debris in UK coastal waters. J. Clark et al.


Plastic litters: a new habitat for marine microbial communities. C. Dussud et al.


The effects of microplastic on freshwater Hydra attenuatta morphology & feeding. F. Murphy.


Evidence of microplastic ingestion in elasmobranchs in the western Mediterranean Sea. S. Deudero et al.


Do microplastic particles impair the performance of marine deposit and filter feeding invertebrates? Results from a globally replicated study. M. Lenz et al.


Marine snows act as a vector of transport of microplastic to the benthos and change the uptake of plastics to the Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis). A. Porter et al.


Occurrence of potential microplastics in commercial fish from an estuarine environment: Preliminary results. F. Bessa et al.


Microscopical investigation of polystyrene microparticles colonisation by Vibrio crassostreae. V. Foulon et al.


Improvements and needs of microplastics analytical control at open sea – opportunities for monitoring at Canary Islands. D. Vega-Moreno et al.

13h-15h Lunch break, please see the map for options or ask the Organizing Team

15h-16h10        Session XII - Chair persons: Andy Booth and Raimonds Ernsteins


A novel method for preparing microplastic fibers. M. Cole.


A new approach in processing freshwater suspended particulate matter for separating microplastics. S. Hatzky.


Microplastics - microalgae: an interaction dependent on polymer type. F. Lagarde et al.


Characterization of the level and composition of floating microplastic particles in the Stockholm Archipelago. B. Gewert et al.


Quantifying the impact of microscopic plastic debris on antibiotic resistance evolution. T. Galloway.


Nearshore circulation in the Confital Bay: Implications on marine debris transport and deposition at Las Canteras Beach. L. Mcknight Morales et al.


New approaches of the extraction and identification of microplastics from marine sediment. M. Kedzierski et al.

Coffee break 20’

16h30-17h30    Session XIII - Chair persons: Amy Lusher and Omer Chouinard.


Using physical and chemical characteristics of floating microplastics to investigate their weathering history. K. Law et al.


The size spectrum as tool for analyzing marine plastic pollution. E. Marti et al.


Automated analysis of µFTIR imaging data for microplastic samples. S. Primpke et al.


Combined Effects of UV Exposure Duration and Mechanical Abrasion on Fragmentation and Particle Size Distribution of Polyethylene, Polypropylene and Expanded Polystyrene. W. J. Shim et al.


Solar radiation induced degradation of common plastics under marine exposure conditions. A. Andrady et al.


Using the FlowCam to validate an enzymatic digestion protocol applied to assess the occurrence of microplastics in the Southern North Sea. C. Lorenz et al.


DNA from the ‘Plastisphere': an extraction protocol for ocean microplastics. P. Debeljak et al.


Quality assurance in microplastic detection. C. Wesch et al.


17h30-19h        Posters and side event “Sharing Responsibilities”


19h Conclusions: Lanzarote’s Declaration


Dear participants, All posters can be hung up starting the morning of May 25th at 9h after registration.
They must be removed by 19h on Friday the 27th.

-Note: Posters are listed in alphabetical order of 1st author,

please keep the poster number in mind for the posters contest -.

The Poster Awards will be announced on the 26th at 20h27'
during the Public Keynote: “Dialogue between natural and social sciences”.


Are the densities of microplastics altered following interactions with Elminius modestus and sediment particles? R. Adams et al., poster number 102175


Macro- and micro-plastic in seafloor habitats around Mallorca. C. Alomar et al., poster number 102179


Evaluation of microplastics in Jurujuba Cove, Niterói. F. Araujo et al., poster number  94158


Presence, distribution and characterization of microplastics in commercial organisms from Adriatic Sea. C-G Avio et al., poster number 101916


The origin and fate of microplastics in saltmarshes. H. Ball et al., poster number  101818


Effects of microplastics and mercury, alone and in mixture, on the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): swimming performance and sub-individual biomarkers. L-G Barboza et al., poster number 101915


DNA damage evaluation of Polyethylene microspheres in Daphnia magna. A. Berber et al., poster number 102315


LITTERBASE - An online portal for marine litter and microplastics and their implications for marine life. M. Bergmann et al., poster number 102482


PLASTOX: Direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms. A. Booth et al., poster number 95410


Community-based Observatories tackling MICROPLASTIC: Spanish schools pilot project based on E. Broglio et al., poster number 101794


Tackling marine litter: Awareness and outreach in Faial Island, Azores. R. Carriço et al., poster number 103441


Prevalence of microplastics in the marine waters of Qatar's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). A. Castillo et al., poster number 100223


Microplastics contamination in three planktivorous and commercial fish species. F. Collard et al., poster number 100959


Spatial variation of microplastic ingestion in Boops boops in the Western Mediterranean Sea. M. Compa et al., poster number 102142


Source, transfer and fate of microplastics in the nothwestern Mediterranean Sea: a holistic approach. M. Constant et al., poster number 102220


Microplastics in the final ocean frontier. W. Courtene-Jones et al., poster number 99166


Exposure @ Sea: the dynamic bacterial colonization of plastic. C. De Tender et al., poster number 111705

Microplastic abundance and distribution in the intertidal and subtidal marine environment around a major urban park in Vancouver, Canada. A. Diaz et al., poster number 102008

Microplastic ingestion by decapod larvae. E. Fileman et al., poster number 101119


May polystyrene microparticles affect mortality and swimming behaviour of marine planktonic invertebrates? Ch. Gambardella et al., poster number 101801


Improvement of microplastic extraction method in organic material rich samples. P. Garrido Amador et al., poster number 102239


PCB depuration via MP? A feeding experiment with Daphnia magna. Z. Gerdes et al., poster number 102358


Defining the Baselines and standards for Microplastics Analyses in European Waters (JPI-O BASEMAN). G. Gerdts, poster number  100987


Effects of long term exposure with contaminated and clean micro plastics on Mytilus edulis. T. Hamm, poster number 102416


The City of Kuopio and Lake Kallavesi in the Finnish Lake District a 'living laboratory' for the microplastic pollution research in freshwater lakes. S. Hartikainen et al., poster number 102292


Analysis and quantification of microplastics in the stomachs of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) stranded on the Galician coasts (NW Spain). A. Hernandez-Gonzalez et al., poster number 99376 and 101623


First report of microplastics in bycaught pinnipeds. G. Hernandez-Milian et al., poster number 102200


Preliminary results of Microtrophic Project. A. Herrera et al., poster number 101570


The Contribution of Citizen Scientists to the Monitoring of Marine Litter. V. Hidalgo-Ruz et al., poster number 103474


Non-target screening of organic substances in plastic marine debris and its new products. S. H. Hong et al., poster number 102062


Experimenting on settling velocity of cylindrical microplastic particles. I. Isachenko et al., poster number 101528


WEATHER-MIC - How microplastic weathering changes its transport, fate and toxicity in the marine environment. A. Jahnke et al., poster number 91388


Expanded polystyrene debris as a source of hazardous additives for their inhabiting organisms. M. Jang et al., poster number 102242


Formation of microplastics by lugworm inhabiting in expanded polystyrene marine debris. M. Jang et al., poster number 102245


Uptake of textile polyethylene terephthalate microplastic fibres by freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna. A. Jemec et al., poster number 103222


Assessment of microplastics toxicity from the acute and chronic exposure to Cyprinodon variegatus. Y-J Jung et al., poster number 102096


Microplastic distribution on two northwestern Mediterranean beaches. P. Kerhervé et al., poster number 102341


The depth profile of buoyant microplastics: How much does sea surface sampling overlook? M. Kooi et al., poster number 102324


Effects of microplastics on digestive enzymes in the marine isopod Idotea emarginata. Š. Korez et al., poster number 102408


Sinking behaviour of microplastics. N. Kowalski et al., poster number 100878


Characteristics of Plastic in stomachs of Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis). S. Kühn et al., poster number 100942


Microplastic sampling in the Mediterranean Sea. J. Larsen et al., poster number 101871


Pilot study on microlitter in the surface waters of the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. K. Lind et al., poster number 101411


Persistent Organic Pollutants adsorbed on microplastics from the North Atlantic gyre. M. Martignac et al., poster number 102442


First evidence of microplastics in the ballast water of commercial ships. M. Matiddi et al., poster number 101548


Microlitter abundance in the Italian Minor Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea. M. Matiddi et al., poster number 101615


In search of the plastic accumulation regions: fine-tuning ocean surface transport models
R. McAdam et al., poster number 101799


Closing the gap between small and smaller: Towards an analytical protocol for the detection of Micro- and Nanoplastic in freshwater systems. S. Mintenig et al., poster number 102484 POSTER PRIZE WINNER !!!!


Preliminary assessment of the microplastic presence in the Gulf of Genoa (Italy, Ligurian Sea, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). S. Morgana et al., poster number 101802


Toxicity assessment of pollutants sorbed on microplastics using various bioassays on two fish cell lines. B. Morin et al., poster number 102337


Fate of microplastics in soft marine sediments. P. Näkki et al., poster number 102107  POSTER PRIZE WINNER !!!!


Microplastic as a vector of chemicals to fin whale and basking shark in the Mediterranean Sea: A model-supported analysis of available data. C. Panti et al., poster number 101611


Methodological prerequisites for toxicity testing of microplastics using marine organisms. J-W Park et al., poster number 102067


POPs adsorbed on plastic pellets collected in the Adriatic region. M. Pflieger et al., poster number 102271


Retrospective study [2000-2014] of the impact of foreign body in cetaceans stranded on the Canary Islands. R. P. Puig Lozanoet al., poster number 81459


The EPHEMARE Project: Ecotoxicological Effects of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems. F. Regoli, poster number 101391


Suspended micro-sized PVC particles impair the performance and decrease survival in the Asian green mussel Perna viridis. S. Rist, poster number 101884


Priority pollutants in microplastics from beaches in Gran Canaria Island. M. Rodrigo et al., poster number 88302


Plastic debris in Mediterranean seabirds. A. Rodríguez et al., poster number 110743


Monitoring plastic ingestion in selected Azorean marine organisms. Y. Rodriguez et al., poster number 101934


Catching a glimpse of the lack of harmonization regarding techniques of extraction of microplastics in marine sediments. E. Rojo-Nieto et al., poster number 96241


Marine Litter Action Plan for Lanzarote: An exercise from the MOOC on marine litter offered by the open university of the Netherlands and the UNEP. N. Ruckstuhl et al., poster number 101822


Floating plastics in the sea: People's perception in the Majorca island (Spain). L. Ruiz Orejon et al., poster number 101076


Plastics in the Mediterranean Sea surface: From regional to local scale. L. Ruiz Orejon et al., poster number 101081


Analysis of organic pollutants in micro-plastics. S. Santana-Viera et al., poster number 101858


Sewage treatment plants as pathways for microlitter to the marine environment? A study from three Nordic countries. O. Setälä et al., poster number 102165


From the sea to the dining table and back to the environment: microlitter load of common salts. O. Setälä et al., poster number 102227


Sandy beaches microplastics of the Crimea Black Sea Coast. E. Sibirtsova et al., poster number 100994


Plastic prey; are fish post-larval stages ingesting plastic in their natural environment? M. Steer et al., poster number 101113


Microplastic ingestion by planktivorous fishes in the Canary Current. A. Štindlová et al., poster number 102530


Effects of microplastics on benthic macroinvertebrates in freshwater ecosystems. L. Stuurman et al., poster number 102472


First quantification of microplastic in Norwegian fjords through non disruptive ad-hoc sampling. M. Svendsen Nerheim et al., poster number 103400


Microplastics: Addressing Ecological Risk Through Lessons Learned. K. Syberg et al., poster number 101866


Bioplastic and microbes. V. Turk et al., poster number 102595


Marine litter monitoring for coastal management indicator system development: citizen science and collaboration communication approach. J. Ulme et al., poster number 110276


Types and concentration of microplastics found on remote island beaches during the Race for Water Odyssey. K. Van Arkel et al., poster number 99434


A throwaway society: Is science stuck with single use plastic? What can we do about it? A. Watts et al., poster number 100868


Linking education and science to increase awareness of marine plastic litter - Distribution of plastic waste on beaches of the German Bight. A. Wichels et al., poster number 98897


Are smaller microplastics underestimated? Comparing anthropogenic debris collected with different mesh sizes. A. Wilson McNeal et al., poster number 100984


Precipitation/Flotation Effect of Coagulant to microplastics in water. M. Yurtsever et al., poster number 105617


Personal care and cosmetics products (PCCPs): Is it cleaning or pollution? M. Yurtsever et al., poster number 105618

Detection of microplastics with stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy. L. Zada et al., poster number 102003

Online user: 1